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  • Spring onion

Spring onion

Per kg

Product details
Introducing the vibrant and versatile Spring Onion! Bursting with fresh flavor and crisp texture, this culinary gem adds that extra touch to your dishes. Whether you're elevating your stir-fries, soups, salads, or garnishing your favorite meals, the Spring Onion brings a delightful zing that will impress your taste buds.

Grown with care, this green wonder is a true kitchen staple. Its slender, elongated bulbs and vibrant green leaves make it visually appealing, while its mild yet distinct oniony taste adds a delightful depth to any recipe. Chop it finely for a subtle flavor, or leave it chunky for a more pronounced punch. With the Spring Onion, the culinary possibilities are endless.

Not only does it pack a punch in flavor, but the Spring Onion also offers a myriad of health benefits. High in essential nutrients and antioxidants, this all-natural ingredient promotes digestion, boosts immunity, and contributes to overall well-being. Elevate your cooking experience with the Spring Onion and enhance every dish with a burst of freshness.

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